Thursday, September 2, 2021

Berry Passion Kitty

My friend's business. He's worked superhard on making the best quality ice cream for years. If you're in the Dallas area, check it out! They deliver. :-) POC-owned.
Red cat with strawberry-passion fruit ice cream bar

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Happy International Cat Day! For the Cat Lovers: Non-Eurocentric Cat Art

Dear cat art aficionados, wishing you a Happy International Cat Day on 8/8!

Tired of paging through the some arts app's mostly Eurocentric highlights looking for work created by artists from the global majority?

Good news. I've put together the following collection in Google Arts and Culture for your enjoyment :-)

montage of paintings and sculptures of cats

Cat art from non-European cultures -  52 images of cats created by non-European artists in ancient and modern cultures

Saturday, April 3, 2021

13 Names: Atatiana Jefferson, Kuanchung Kao + 11

Content warning: mention of injury or death by violence.
composite portrait with Black woman's face on left and Chinese man's face on right, framed by list of 11 names

Kuanchung Kao and Atatiana Jefferson lived on opposite sides of the country and died 22 years apart. They were both professionals in STEM fields. Atatiana had a biology degree from Xavier University and worked in pharmaceutical equipment sales; Kuanchung was a microbiologist working in quality control. Both lost their lives after neighbors summoned police to their residences.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Cloud Programmer

Bringing together inspirations from fashions of the Baganda people of Uganda and the anime "Summer Wars."
Young Baganda woman in busuuti floating above concentric rings of banded color. There are bands of binary digits behind her. There are clouds in the background.
Happy New Year, my beloved friends! May your creative dreams and your hopes for a better world come to fruition.