Saturday, December 27, 2014

Have you ever felt frustrated with your work as a creative professional or hobbyist?

I feel like that all the time. It seems that my best efforts don't take my work to the level that I want it to be. I have no illusions about my talents (or the lack of it, rather ;-) ) So why do I keep going? Years ago, a former art university classmate gifted me with some words of encouragement and wisdom at a time when I was disappointed with the quality of my work and frustrated at my progress.

During a figure-drawing class, I complained that I was struggling with figure proportions. My classmate Sahar told me that if I got into the negative mindset of 'struggling', it would be counterproductive and work against me. Instead, I should just flow with current state of progress, accepting it as part of our journey to becoming better artists.

I still face the same frustrations today, but when I think of what Sahar said, I can find my way back to a positive frame of mind and carry on working despite an objective recognition of current deficiencies. Sahar probably does not even remember that she ever said those words to me, but they made a big difference to my artistic journey.

Now Sahar has far bigger troubles of her own!!! Amnesty International has called for the release of her and her three sisters from house arrest.  The Saudi authorities repeatedly ignored these appeals to their conscience, and the four women's conditions are deteriorating under the denial of adequate sustenance and healthcare.  Please join me and other #FreeThe4 supporters in asking for the release of these precious individuals who have so much more to give the world as free people.

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